Alone again (naturally)

Both of my readers are probably beginning to wonder when my next post is going to appear – it has been over a week. I was really getting into the swing of this blogging business, and suddenly in the last week felt like I had run out of things to say. Or perhaps run out of ways to say them. One of my intentions with this blog was to let a few days pass between first thinking of a topic or seeing something, and actually writing the post, to see what happened if I let things stew and tried to reach a ‘considered’ opinion. The clue to that is in the title. But as I have found, and I suspect most of us on my course have with our wildlife diaries, if you leave things too long you can lose the motivation to commit something to paper.  On top of that, my desire to grapple with difficult issues or vexing questions, not that I have delved particularly deep so far, has been eroded over the last few weeks by constant debate, discussion, reflection, thought, and all those good things. I love to do all that, and it is necessary too – but really tiring.

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